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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: This study is about the co-operative solution to a discipline problem encountered when teaching English in a 7th form to a group of weaker learners (third ability group...)
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[[Category:PFL - Englisch als Arbeitssprache]][[Category:Lernschwierigkeiten]][[Category:Englisch als Arbeitssprache]] [[Category:Arbeitsklima]] [[Category:Rote-Karte-System]] [[Category:Klassenklima]] [[Category:Spiel]] [[Category:Interaktion Schüler/innen Lehrer/innen]] [[Category:Reflexion Lehrer/innen]] [[Category:Fragebogen]] [[Category:Schüler/innen Feedback]] [[Category:HS]] [[Category:7. Schulstufe]]  [[Category:Englisch]]  [[Category:1998/99]]
[[Category:PFL - Englisch als Arbeitssprache]][[Category:Lernschwierigkeiten]][[Category:Englisch als Arbeitssprache]] [[Category:Arbeitsklima]] [[Category:Rote-Karte-System]] [[Category:Klassenklima]] [[Category:Spiel]] [[Category:Interaktion Schüler/innen Lehrer/innen]] [[Category:Reflexion Lehrer/innen]] [[Category:Fragebogen]] [[Category:Schüler/innen Feedback]] [[Category:HS]] [[Category:7. Schulstufe]]  [[Category:Englisch]]  [[Category:1998/99]]
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Version vom 11. August 2008, 20:31 Uhr

This study is about the co-operative solution to a discipline problem encountered when teaching English in a 7th form to a group of weaker learners (third ability group). Initially there were 8 pupils in the group. As from February 1998, there were 13. In the following I will first describe the background and the red card system adopted to solve the problem. Then I will outline the implications of the system for teacher and pupils. As a next step I will discuss the idea behind the “red card game“ before presenting the pupils' evaluation of the system. Since the red card system had an impact on classroom interaction, as a conclusion I will indicate how the study has influenced my teaching.

Autor/in: Graham Crane
Durchführende Institution/en:
Fach/Fächer: Englisch
Schulstufe/n: 7. Schulstufe

Dateien: Langfassung

Meine Werkzeuge
